Account Information

go to account information section
Go to Account Information section
Open the app and click the "My Profile" button. On the "My Profile" screen, expand the "Account Information" section.

Press the "pencil" icon on the right-hand side of the email address field. You will be taken to "Change Email Address" screen.
request to change email address
Request to change email address
On the "Change Email Address" screen, enter a new valid email address and your current password. Press "CHANGE EMAIL ADDRESS" to confirm the change.
check email request
Check email request
After changed email address, a message will pop-up at the bottom of the screen that says "Change email request is sent successfully, check your new email box".
confirm change email request
Confirm change email request
You will receive an email to update your email address. Press "Click here to confirm your email address update".
login to your account
Log in to your account
After you have confirmed your email address update, you can log in using your new email address and password.
go to account information section
Go to Account Information section
Open the app and click the "My Profile" button. On the "My Profile" screen, expand the "Account Information" section.

Press "SET" and wait for the following message at the bottom of the screen: "Password reset requested - check your email".

Note: Only accounts created with Google or Facebook will see the "SET" button.
follow link sent via email
Follow link sent via email
You will receive an email to set a new password for your account. In the email, click the button: "Click here to set a new password".
complete and set your pasword
Complete and set your password
It will redirect you to a page to enter your new password and re-enter your password to confirm. Press "Submit" to change your password.
login to your account
Log in to your account
After your password successfully changed, you can log in using your email address and password.
go to account information section
Go to Account Information section
Open the app and click the "My Profile" button. On the "My Profile" screen, expand the "Account Information" section.

Press the "pencil" icon on the right-hand side of the password field. You will be taken to "Change Password" screen.
complete password change
Complete password change
You will be asked to enter your old password and new password. Press "CHANGE PASSWORD" to save your new password.
confirm password changed
Confirm password changed
After the password has been changed, a message will pop-up at the bottom of the screen that says: "Password changed successfully".
access login screen
Access the Log In screen
Press "Menu" at the bottom of the screen when you first open the app. On the resulting pop-up, press "Log In".
go to reset password screen
Go to Reset Password screen
On the "Log In" screen, scroll down to the bottom and press "RESET PASSWORD".
request password reset
Request password reset
On "Reset Password" screen, you will be asked to enter your registered email address - press "REQUEST PASSWORD RESET".
check change password request was sent
Check change password request was sent
After submitting your request, a message will pop-up at the bottom of the screen that says "Password reset requested - check your email".
confrim the request to set a new password
Confirm the request to set a new password
You will receive an email to set a new password for your account. In the email, click the button "Click here to set a new password"
complete password reset
Complete and set your password
It will redirect you to a page to enter your new password and re-enter your password to confirm. Press "Submit" then your password was successfully changed.
login to your account
Log in to your account
After you have confirmed your password update, you can log in using your email address and password.
access login screen
Go to Account Information section
Open the app and click the "My Profile" button. On the "My Profile" screen, expand the "Account Information" section.

allow access
Allow access to your Google or Facebook account
Press "Allow" to give Manage My Pain permission to access your Google or Facebook profile. Nothing other than your email address and Profile image is shared with Manage My Pain.

Once Manage My Pain is given access, you may log in to the app using Google or Facebook instead of manually entering in an email address and password.

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