Personalize the Application

introduction screen
Introduction Screens
After installing the application and opening it for the first time, the Introduction screens will be shown. Each screen will highlight what you can do in the application. You can swipe the screen to proceed to the next slide.

If you want to skip these screens, press "SKIP INTRO" in the top-right side of the screen to proceed.
end of user license agreement
End User License Agreement
After the Intro, you will be shown our End User License Agreement. This will make sure that you understand the terms and conditions of using Manage My Pain.

Press "Agree" and you can start using the application.
personalize your experience
Personalize your experience
Before you start tracking your pain, two questions will be asked. Press "OK, CONTINUE" to answer the two questions.

If you already have an account, press "LOG IN" to start using the app.
question 1 screen
Question 1 - Which pain conditions do you have?
The first question will add pain conditions relevant to your situation to your profile. 5 common pain conditions are listed by default. You can press to select any conditions that are applicable.

If you can't find your pain condition, press "ADD NEW" to add a new pain condition.

Note: If you want to skip personalization and already have an account, press "LOG IN" in the top-right side of the screen to proceed.
add new pain condition
Add a new pain condition
If you press "ADD NEW", it will take you to the "Add Pain Condition" screen. Type three or more letters and wait for a few seconds. A list of pain conditions will be returned.

Press to select the appropriate pain condition - it will be added to the list and selected.
add new pain condition that is not on the database
Add pain condition that doesn't exist in our database
If you press "ADD NEW", it will take you to the "Add Pain Condition" screen. Type three or more letters and wait for a few seconds.

If your search result does not return a list of pain conditions or your searched condition does not exist in our database, press "ADD CONDITION".

A pop-up window with the message "Are you sure you can't find condition?" appears. To confirm, press "yes". Additional information such as date of diagnosed and first symptoms is optional.

Press "APPLY CHANGES" - it will be added to the list and selected.
continue to the next question
Continue to next question
When you are finished adding your appropriate pain conditions, press "CONTINUE TO NEXT QUESTION" at the bottom of the screen.
question 2 screen
Question 2 - Which medications do you take?
The second question will add medications to both your profile and the pain record screenshot to allow you to track their effectiveness. 5 common medications are listed by default. You can press to select any medications that are applicable.

If you can't find your medication, press "ADD NEW" to add a new medication.

Note: If you want to skip personalization and already have an account, press "LOG IN" in the top-right side of the screen to proceed.
add new medication
Add a new medication
If you press "ADD NEW", it will take you to the "Add Medication" screen. Type three or more letters of either the generic medication name or the brand and wait for few seconds.

A list of medications will be returned. Press to select the appropriate medication - it will be added to the list and selected.
add new medication that is not on the database
Add medication that doesn't exist in our database
If you press "ADD NEW", it will take you to the "Add Medication" screen. Type three or more letters and wait for a few seconds.

If your search result does not return a list of medications or does not exist in our database, press "REQUEST IT". Your default email app will be opened with pre-defined information - press the "send" icon
enter new medication details
Enter medication details
After selecting a medication, you can specify additional details of the medication such as brand, form, and strength.

If adding your medication through its generic name, you can then specify the brand of the medication. If you do not see your brand listed, press "REQUEST IT". Your default email app will be opened with pre-defined information - press the "send" icon.

Common strengths are listed already for you to choose from, however, you can enter your own strength by pressing "Add".

After you have entered your medication details, you can now start tracking your pain.
proceed to tracking
Proceed to tracking
When you are finished adding your medications, press "LET'S GET STARTED" at the bottom of the screen.

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