Create an Account

access the login screen
Access the Log In screen
Press "Menu" at the bottom of the screen when you first open the app. On the resulting pop-up, press "Log In".

Alternatively, press the "sync" icon in the top-right of the main screen or you can go to "My Profile" then press "LOG IN" at the bottom of pain conditions and medication sections.
go to register screen
Go to Register screen
On the "Log In" screen, scroll down to the bottom and press "REGISTER FOR FREE".
complete registration details
Complete registration details
You will be asked to enter a valid email address, a unique username, and a password of at least 6 characters.

You will also need to acknowledge and accept the Privacy Policy, which details out how we protect and use your information with the utmost of confidentiality.
activate your account
Activate your account
After submitting your registration, you will receive an activation link to your email. In that email, click "Click here to activate your account".
login to your account
Log in to your account
After you have activated your account, you can log in using your email address and password.
access the login screen
Access the Log In screen
Press "Menu" at the bottom of the screen when you first open the app. On the resulting pop-up, press "Log In".

Alternatively, press the "sync" icon in the top-right of the main screen or you can go to "My Profile" then press "LOG IN" at the bottom of pain conditions and medication sections.
press sigin button screen
Press "SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE" button
A Google pop-up window will appear asking for your Google credentials. You can choose an account from the list of existing ones already on your phone, or enter a new email address.
allow your google account screen
Allow your Google Account
Press "Allow" to give "Manage My Pain" access your Google account.

Please note that only your email address will be shared with "Manage My Pain" - no other information is shared.
accept the privacy policy screen
Accept the Privacy Policy
Once connected using your Google account, accept the Privacy Policy and press "CONTINUE" to start using the app.
access the login screen
Access the Log In screen
Press "Menu" at the bottom of the screen when you first open the app. On the resulting pop-up, press "Log In".

Alternatively, press the "sync" icon in the top-right of the main screen or you can go to "My Profile" then press "LOG IN" at the bottom of pain conditions and medication sections.
press facebook button screen
A pop-up window will appear to connect your Facebook account. Press "CONTINUE".
accept the privacy policy
Accept the Privacy Policy
Accept the Privacy Policy and press "CONTINUE" to start using the app.

Note: If your Facebook account does not have an email address associated with it or you do not provide Facebook with the permission to share your email address, then you will be asked to provide one before your account can be created.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions?
You can browse the topics to find what you are looking for.