Home Screen Cards

recent records card
Recent Records card
This card displays your recently added pain records and daily reflections. Records are displayed by their date, time and scores.

You can edit, duplicate or delete a record by long-pressing it.

To view all your records, press "VIEW ALL RECORDS" - it will take you to "Records" screen where all your records will be shown.
pain condition card
Pain Conditions card
This card displays 2 pain conditions you added to your profile. You can press a pain condition to update and modify its information.

To view all your pain conditions, press "VIEW ALL PAIN CONDITIONS" - it will take you to the "My Conditions" screen where all pain conditions will be shown.
medications card
Medications card
This card displays 2 medication you added to your profile. You can press a medication to update and modify its information.

Any medication associated to pain records will also have its effectiveness displayed. The effectiveness is represented as a percentage of how often you marked the medication down as "Better", "Worse", or "No Change" within pain records.

To view all your medications, press "VIEW ALL MEDICATIONS" - it will take you to the "My Medications" screen where all medications will be shown.
ratings card
Ratings card
After you have used our app for some time, you may be shown a ratings card asking you to leave a rating and/or review on the appropriate app store from which you downloaded Manage My Pain.

It will ask if "Are you liking Manage My Pain?".

If you press "YES!", it will ask if you want to leave a rating. This will take you to the app page in the appropriate platform application store to leave a rating and/or review for our app.

If you press "NOT REALLY", you will have the option to send us a feedback regarding the app via email. We'd love to hear from you on how we can improve!

Frequently Asked Questions

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