Results Tab

view insights tab
Select and view Insights tab
Open the app, click "Results" and select the "INSIGHTS" tab. This tab is an overview of all your pain records and daily reflections.

This view is included in the "Summary" section on reports and is typically the most useful section to communicate with healthcare professionals.

The "INSIGHTS" tab has 12 cards that summarize all the information you have recorded. This information is represented by "line graphs", "bar graphs", and "frequency values" that will help you understand more about your pain records and daily reflections.
representative bar graphs
Representative bar graphs
The blue bar appearing underneath the title of each section card is called the "representative bar". It indicates how representative the information in the table is of all pain records. It is calculated by dividing the total number of records that contains information from this section over the total number of records. A fuller blue bar means the table is more representative of all pain records.

Details about the calculation can be viewed by pressing the "question mark" icon on the right-hand side of the representative bar.
frequency values
Frequency values
Each card represents the frequency that a value is selected, when there is at least one value from that section selected. It is calculated by dividing the total number of records that contains information from this section over the total number of records. An arrowed value appears beside the frequency value, which represents how this frequency has changed since the previous period.

The top five values are shown - press "MORE" along the bottom will show all values.

Details about the calculation can be viewed by pressing the "question mark" icon on the right-hand side of the representative bar.
timeline graph cards
Timeline graphs cards
The "Pain Severity" and "Function" sections use cards that display information in a "line graph" format.

The "Pain Severity" card plots the daily averages of your pain record scores. For example, if there is a day with more than one record, the mean score from all those records will be calculated and plotted. The "Function" card plots your daily reflection scores.

The average represents the mean of all data points, with the arrowed value beside it representing how the score has changed since the previous period.
category based cards
Category-based cards
The "Duration" and "Type of Pain" sections use cards that display information in a "bar graph" and "representative bar" format.

These cards represent the frequency that a particular value appears in pain records that contain information from this section.
list based cards
List-based cards
All other sections use cards that display information in a table of "frequency values" and a "representative bar".

Each row represents the frequency that a particular value appears in pain records that contain information from this section. It is calculated by dividing the total number of records that contain the value over the total number of records that contain at least one value from this section. An arrowed value appears beside the frequency value, which represents how this frequency has changed since the previous period.

The top five values are shown - press "MORE" along the bottom will show all values.
view timeline tab
Select and view Timeline tab
Open the app, click "Results" and select the "TIMELINE" tab.

This view provides a time-based presentation of various aspects of both your pain severity and daily reflection scores. Choose the date range and then use your fingers to zoom in and out using the "pinch" motion. If you double-tap anywhere, you will reset the graph to the unzoomed date range.
choose timeline graphs to display
Choose the Timeline graphs to display
Above the graph, you will see a legend of all the graphs currently being displayed. Check or uncheck the appropriate graphs you wish to view.

Under Pain Severity, you will see:

* Daily Average - each data-point represents the average severity of all pain records on a particular day * Trend - the trendline of all Daily Averages calculated using a linear regression

* Daily High - each data-point represents the highest severity score from all pain records on a particular day

* Daily Low - each data-point represents the highest severity score from all pain records on a particular day Under Function, you will see:

* Daily Reflection Score - each data-point represents the Daily Reflection score on a particular day

* Trend - the trendline of all Daily Reflection Scores calculated using a linear regression
view charts tab
Select and view Charts tab
Open the app, click "Results" and select the "CHARTS" tab.

This view provides a visual presentation of how often a particular value appears in a particular section. This calculation is only based on records that contain information in that section.

You can press a particular bar and see a pop-up with more details (including frequency and change value).

The blue bar appearing above this section is called the "representative bar" and indicates how representative the information in the chart is of all pain records. It is calculated by dividing the total number of records that contains information in this section over the total number of records. A fuller blue bar means the chart is more representative of all pain records.
view charts by different criteria
View Charts tab by different criteria
Open the app, click "Results" and select the "CHARTS" tab. Press "dropdown" list - select the section you wish to view and a "bar chart" of each "frequency value" will be displayed.
view calendar tab
Select and view Calendar tab
Open the app, click "Results" and select the "CALENDAR" tab.

This view provides a summary of your pain records and daily reflections overlaid on top of a calendar. The circle bubble overlay represents the "Daily Average" of the severity from all pain records on that date. The star overlay represents the daily reflection score. The square overlays indicate whether any of the values appear in at least one record on that date. These values can be seen in the table that appears underneath the Calendar.
go to overlay screen
Go to Overlays screen
Scroll to the bottom of "CALENDAR" tab screen, press "CHANGE OVERLAYS" and you will be taken to "Overlays" screen.
change calendar overlays
Change calendar overlays
Expand a section, press and select items to include on your calendar overlays.

The square overlays default to your top 6 "Aggravating Factors". Please note that you are limited to only 6 overlays at a time due to available space.
save your changes
Save your changes
Press the "APPLY" button to save your selected overlays.
reset default overlays
Reset default overlays
If you wish to automatically show the top 6 "Aggravating Factors" again, press "RESET DEFAULTS".
reset calendar overlays to default
Confirm reset of calendar overlays to default
After overlays is reset to default, a message will pop-up at the bottom of the screen that "Overlays reset to 6 most commonly used" - press the "back arrow" icon to return in "CALENDAR" tab screen.
view records tab
Select and view Records tab
This view is the log of all your pain records and daily reflections. On the right-hand side of each record, press the "three vertical dots" icon to edit, duplicate or delete a record.

To view more details of a record, press "Details" - it will expand it detailed information will be shown.

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